
Mata Wang

GDS Gas Detector 15/30J-P2

GDS Gas Detector 15/30J-P2

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All Gas Types Available • Flexible output options • Addressable or stand alone • Hyper terminal communications rs232 line data and set up with 232 adapter • Data logging • Optional alarm relays • Robust and weather-proof The 30J enclosure has been designed to allow quick and easy access to its interior by adjustment of two allen screws, this factor is a major consideration when large system service and calibrations are being carried out. The detector is robust and weather-proof with improved response times due to the four mounting spacers allowing increased air movement around the detector these spacers also improve the mounting of the unit particularly on circular pillars typically found in carparks. S tandard 4~20mA signalling with CANbus address enables the sensors to be networked via the GDS Combi control system or customer preferred monitoring system.

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Power Supply - 15 to 30vDC 24v nominal
Outputs - 3 wire - 4~20mA / 4 wire - CAN bus
Relays (optional) - Low alarm S.P.C.O / High alarm S.P.C.O / Fault alarm S.P.C.O / overrange
Rating - 0.5A @30vDC
Inhibit option during servicing
Logging - Addressable sensors only
Intervals - one minute to one hour
Storage - 2,880 readings
Temperature -15˚C to 55˚C
Humidity - 0˚C to 99% RH - non condensing

Type – P 2 S afe area use
Ingress Protection - IP63, + U niversal fitting IP64
Material - ABS - black
Sensor Inserts - 7 series type / Electrochemical
Accessories - Optional
Collector Cone + U niversal F itting
Universal F itting (test gas applicator/spray deflector)
Flow Block
Duct Mount Kit
Detector Head Weather Shield

Type - 30J S afe area use only
Deep box (D) S hallow B ox (S)
Ingress Protection - IP64
Material - ABS F lame retardent FR 40 / Lid S crews M4SS
Finish -Signal White RA L 9003
Weight - 380gms
Entries - Rear 5-20mm knock outs / Sides, Top, Bottom - not specified
Mounting - Standoffs - M4 or N o 8 screws
Drill at (C) when standoffs removed
Conduit box - drill at (A) 4.5mm
Surface mount box - drill at (B) 4.5mm
EU Design No. - 01359723-0001