CMR ELECTRICAL Single or Two Zone Water Leak Detection Alarm Type LD2-3 & LD2-3V
கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது
Summary of the standard features:
- Water leak detection cable or spot probe or a combination of both can be used
- Alpha numeric display for ease of Alarm identification from a distance
- On board audible warning device to alert local operators of a problem
- Alarms latched until Mute operated to give indication of transient water leaks
- As standard, a common zone fault or power fault relay for onward signalling to a BMS
- As standard, a common water detected alarm relay for onward signalling to a BMS
- Monitoring of each zone cable and sensor to ensure continuity and integrity
- Individual Zone sensitivity adjustment allowing any zone to be set for high to low sensitivity
- A Bi-directional DC signal in the sensors to stop electrolyses and polarisation
- Zone Alarm test push button located inside to panel
Optional Features:
The following options can be added to the standard unit, please advise options at the time of ordering;
- Individual zone alarm volt free output contacts
- Output to flashing Beacon
- Output to Beacon sounder that stops when the “Mute” push button is operated
- Text messaging when an alarm is generated
- Remote repeat alarm unit with separate “Mute” push button type SCA
- Water valve shutdown using our LD2-2V range
- 12 hour Battery backup
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